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PAUL KERES Memorial 2010

Tallinn Jan 28 - Feb 3

This is traditional chess tournament for international title norms for Estonian and our neighbours' chess players.

Median rating is 2478 ( GM norm with 6 points from 9 IM norm with 4,5 points) and prize fund is 2000 euros. Time control is 90 minutest for a game + 30 seconds increament for every move.

Last tournament was held in 2008 , then GM Vasily Yemelin from Russia won with 6 points. The best Estonian player was GM Kaido Kulaots with 5.5 points.



28.01. 14:30 - Opening 16:00 - I Round
29.01. 10:00 - II Round 16:00 - III Round
30.01. 16:00 - IV Round  
31.01. 16:00 - V Round  
01.02. 10:00 - VI Round 16:00 - VII Round
02.02. 16:00 - VIII Round  
03.02. 10:00 - IX Round  

Estonian Chess Federation

T. Truus Chess Club

Estonian Culture Fund


Council of Gambling Taxes


Hotel Portus

Hotel Bravo