This is an interesting handicup tournament, where players have different time against each other (5 different ways, 3m-27m, 6m-24m, 9m-21m, 12m-18m, 15m-15m depending the ratings of participants) This year stronger list was Alexander Khalifman (RUS), Edvins Kengis (LAT), Aloyzas Kveinys (LIT), Kaido Külaots (EST), Eric Lobron (GER) and Estonian IMs Meelis Kanep, Kalle Kiik, Priit Leito, Riho Liiva, Tarvo Seeman, Olav Sepp, Aleksander Veingold. It was a round-robin tournament with total 30 participants and was held 19th - 21 st November in Puhajarve (famous tourism place in Estonia).
IM Riho Liiva (EST) won the tournament with 24.5 points , second was current Estonian champion IM Meelis Kanep (EST) with 24 points, GM Alexander Khalifman (RUS) and GM Kaido Kulaots (EST) tied the third place with 23 points.