Estonians' results
This year in Greece our best place was in boys U-14 section - Aleksander Volodin tied 26th - 39th place with 6.5 points out of 11. Others were Vjatšeslav Soskov (B18, 6p, 28.-37. place), Ilja Vovk (B16, 5.5p, 53.-67. place), Aleksander Volodin (B14, 6.5p, 26.-39. place), Ivan Moltšanov (B12, 5.5p, 52.-68. place), Roman Holvason (B10, 5.5p, 56.-72. place), Mark Lapidus (B10, 5p, 73.-89. place), Kreete Kaos (G16, 3p, 79. place), Kermen Makarova (G14, 4p, 78.-86. place), Natalja Makarova (G12, 5.5p, 35.-48. place), Anna Lapidus (G12, 4p, 70.-76. place) ja Triin Narva (G10, 5.5p, 35.-51. place).