International Youth Tournament 4.-7. jan
 Rapid: Remembering Paul Keres 7.-9. jan
PAUL KERES, 1916 - 1975
Paul Keres was born in Narva on 7 January 1916. At the University of Tartu, he studied mathematics from 1938 to 1941. Paul Keres first appeared in the international chess arena in the mid-1930s, and remained a prominent figure there for years. By the end of 1950s, he was one of the strongest chess players in the world. In 1975, the great Estonian grandmaster Paul Keres died suddenly at the age of 59.
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open tournament regulations

Remembering Paul Keres Final Tournament

Tallinn    8.1.2011 - 9.1.2011

[ starting rank ]    [ standings ]    [ pairings ]    [ statistics ]

nrtitlenamertg pointsBergeraverageperfomancechangegamesnew elo
1. GM SHIROV, Alexei 2722618.524462755+  46 / 72726
2. GM EHLVEST, Jaan 2586513.7524652623+  55 / 72591
3. GM MIEZIS, Normunds 2546512.524712629+  95 / 72555
4. GM LUGOVOI, Aleksei 2531410.7524732523  04 / 72531
5. FM VOVK, Ilja 22673.5725112511+  193.5 / 72286
6. IM VOLODIN, Aleksandr 24872.5424792377-  112.5 / 72476
7. IM SMIRNOV, Artem 24282524882330-  102 / 72418
8. KOVALJOV, Denis 22740025101760-  160 / 72258

* Reitingumuutuses on kasutatud K=10 ja maksimaalne vahe 350    [ Arvuta K=15 ]

modified : 09.01. 2011 @ 00 : 00